Khaled Garbaya avatar

Khaled Garbaya

Software engineer and a web development instructor

Amal Nasri avatar

Amal Nasri

Electronic engineer and a foodblogger

Latest therapies

How to style text in CSS

How to style navigations and center containers in CSS Hey Friends! This is exciting, In Couple Code Therapy Episode Six My Lovely partner…

How to style navigations and center containers in CSS

How to style navigations and center containers in CSS This is exciting, In Couple Code Therapy Episode Five My Lovely partner continues…

Getting Started with CSS

Getting Started with CSS In this episode, we talk about CSS and how someone can style HTML element in their website. We'll cover how to…

Build a website with just HTML

Build a website with just HTML In this therapy, Amal builds her own website with just HTML. We'll be using visual studio code as the main…

Introduction to HTML

Introduction to HTML Show Notes Downloading visual studio code Download visual studio code, it's an opensource and free code editor by…

What does it take to get into webdevelopment

What does it take to get into webdevelopment Show Notes I wanna build a website what do i need to learn ? To build a website from sratch you…